
Exploring Betting Options: From Standard Accumulators to Exotic Wagers

Online sportsbooks offers a wide range of betting options for both novice and experienced punters. In addition to the traditional accumulator bets, some provides an array of alternative wagering methods, including Goliath, Super Heinz, and Lucky 15. In this article, we’ll dive into these unique betting options and how you can leverage them to enhance your sports betting experience.

Standard Accumulator

A standard accumulator bet combines multiple single bets (usually four or more) into a single wager. To win the accumulator, all individual bets must be successful. Although this type of bet carries a higher risk, it can yield significant returns due to the increased odds resulting from combining individual bets.


  • Potential for substantial winnings
  • Adds excitement to multiple events


  • Higher risk as all bets must win
  • One losing bet results in a lost accumulator


A Goliath bet consists of 247 bets on eight different selections. This betting method includes 28 doubles, 56 trebles, 70 four-folds, 56 five-folds, 28 six-folds, eight seven-folds, and one eight-fold accumulator. With a Goliath bet, you can generate returns even if only two of your selections are successful.


  • Covers a wide range of potential outcomes
  • Provides a better chance of winning compared to a standard accumulator


  • Requires a larger stake due to the number of bets involved
  • Can be complex for beginners to understand and manage

Super Heinz

A Super Heinz bet consists of 120 bets on seven different selections. This wager includes 21 doubles, 35 trebles, 35 four-folds, 21 five-folds, seven six-folds, and one seven-fold accumulator. Similar to the Goliath bet, the Super Heinz offers increased chances of winning, as returns can be generated with just two successful selections.


  • Increased chances of winning compared to a standard accumulator
  • Covers a broad range of potential outcomes


  • Requires a larger stake due to the number of bets involved
  • Complexity can be daunting for novice bettors

Lucky 15

A Lucky 15 bet consists of 15 bets on four different selections. This wager includes four singles, six doubles, four trebles, and one four-fold accumulator. The Lucky 15 offers a higher probability of winning compared to a standard accumulator, as it provides returns even if only one selection is successful.


  • Higher chances of winning compared to a standard accumulator
  • Covers a variety of potential outcomes


  • Requires a larger stake due to the number of bets involved
  • Lower potential returns compared to larger exotic wagers

In conclusion, betting sites offers an array of betting options, catering to a wide range of punters with varying risk appetites and preferences. From standard accumulators to more exotic wagers like Goliath, Super Heinz, and Lucky 15, there’s something for everyone. When exploring these betting methods, always remember to gamble responsibly, set a budget, and stick to your limits.